How to Easily Stream PC Games to iOS and Android In 3 Steps

If you want to stream PC games onto your iOS and Android devices, there are a few things you need to do first. This article will go over the steps involved in streaming PC games so that you can get started.

How to Stream PC Games on iOS and Android

The ability to stream PC games to iOS and Android devices has never been easier. With a few simple steps, you can set up your streaming PC and enjoy your favorite titles on the go. Here’s everything you need to know to get started:

Get the Right Streaming Software

There are a few different streaming software options, but we recommend using Plex for iOS and Android devices. Plex is free to use and features easy-to-use streaming controls, making it perfect for beginners.

However, Hamachi can also be useful if you’re looking for a more advanced solution. This software allows you to stream games over a local network or the internet, giving you more control over your gaming experience

Set Up Your Streaming PC

To stream games on iOS or Android devices, you’ll first need to set up your streaming PC. This will involve installing the appropriate software and configuring it accordingly. We recommend using an Intel Core i3 or AMD FX processor, 8GB of RAM (or more), and a fast internet connection. Additionally, ensure that your computer has a graphics card capable of playing HD video (GTX 660 or greater).

What does it mean to Stream PC Games on iOS and Android?

There are a few ways to stream PC games to iOS and Android devices. The first option is to use a streaming service like Nvidia Shield TV or PS4 Pro. These services allow you to stream games from your computer to the device and then play them using the app. 

The second option is to use a game capture card like Elgato Game Capture HD60. This card allows you to stream games from your computer to the device and then play them using the app. 

The final option is to use an emulator like Cemu. This emulator allows you to stream games from your computer to the device and then play them using the app.

Why Should I Stream My Games to an Android or iOS Device?

There are many reasons to stream PC games to iOS and Android devices. 

First, streaming is a great way to improve your connection quality. Games can take up a lot of bandwidth, so streaming them over a better connection will make the experience smoother.

Second, streaming allows you to play games on multiple devices simultaneously. This is especially useful if you have friends who also own an iOS or Android device and want to game together.

Finally, streaming lets you play games that are not compatible with your device. For example, you may have a powerful gaming laptop but want to play older games on your phone. Streaming these games will let you do just that.


If you’re an avid PC gamer, and you want to be able to play your favorite games on your mobile devices, then you’ll need to learn how to stream them. Streaming PC games to iOS and Android is a great way to keep yourself entertained on the go, without having to spend tons of money on in-game purchases.

This guide will show you everything you need to know about streaming PC games on iOS and Android devices. Thanks for reading!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the process of streaming PC games to my iOS or Android devices? 

There are a few different methods for streaming PC games to mobile devices. The first option is to use a virtual gaming console, such as PlayOn Cloud. This service allows you to stream games from your computer to any number of devices, including iOS and Android devices. Another option is DirectPlay, which uses peer-to-peer technology to send game packets directly between your computer and mobile device. Both options can be used with a free trial or monthly subscription fee. Finally, some games may support native streaming via the Game Center or Google Play Services app on your iOS or Android device. For more information on each method, please see our respective FAQs below: 

Can I use PlayOn Cloud with my Mac? 

Yes, you can use PlayOn Cloud with your Mac. Simply install the software and connect your computer to the network. You will then be able to stream games from your computer to any number of devices, including iOS and Android devices. 

Is DirectPlay compatible with Windows 10? 

Yes, DirectPlay is compatible with Windows 10! Simply download and install the software from Microsoft’s website and connect your computer to the network. You will then be able to stream games from your computer to any number of devices, including iOS and Android devices. 

Do I need a separate app for each device?  

No, you do not need a separate app for each device. You can use the Game Center or Google Play Services app on your iOS or Android device to stream games from your computer. 

Is there a free trial or monthly subscription fee?

There is a free trial available for both DirectPlay and PlayOn Cloud. Additionally, both services have monthly subscription fees. 

What platforms are supported by PlayOn Cloud?

PlayOn Cloud is compatible with Windows 10, Mac, iOS and Android devices.

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